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-Title: El Misterio de los Océanos.
Jon Erickson.
McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España, S.A.
B/W and color photos and graphics.
-Publication Date:
-Collection: Serie McGraw-Hill de Divulgación Científica.
-ISBN: 84-7615-780-0

Front Cover


EL MISTERIO DE LOS OCEANOS introduces us into the mystery of the ocean depths. According to the scholars specialized on studying the Earth, our planet should be called "Ocean". The book also analyzes the strange life forms that inhabit the depths in a complete darkness, as well as the effects their continuous movements produce. Last but not least, the dramatic changes that the pollution caused by humanity and industrialization are causing on the Earth are studied as well.

(Extracted from the back cover).



-1. Origen del Cielo y la Tierra.
-2. El Superocéano.
-3. La Gran Fábrica Química.
-4. El Vertedero Mundial.
-5. Volcanes Profundos.
-6. El Mundo del Hielo.
-7. Ríos en el Mar.
-8. La Máquina del Clima.
-9. El Ciclo del Agua.
-10. La Formación de Olas.
-11. Tesoros del Fondo del Mar.
-12. Energía del Océano.
-13. Cultivos en el Mar.
-14. Cambios en el Mar.
-15. Soluciones a la Contaminación.



Jon Erickson, whose international prestige in geophysics is considerable, and an expert geotechnician as he is, has participated in different research projects of a widespread scientific importance. The author makes a wonderful job of explaining the origins and evolution of our seas, as well as the impact that man is having in this so very special habitat whose influence in the evolution and preservation of life on Earth is undeniable, leading the interested reader to discover a new dimension in this aspect of our planet without which life as we know it would not have been possible.

The author utilizes a clear language, without making excessive use of technical terms, so as to appeal to the average reader, in a pleasant, interesting manner, and illustrates his explanations with several examples, anecdotes and graphics as well as photos, which make the contents of the things he explains more understandable, as he takes us by the hand to discover the origins of the planet, the evolution of the continents and their geographical configuration from the primeval Earth till their present shape and distribution in our days, the marine life forms, their influence on the climate, the food and power resources that the oceans have to offer, as well as the environmental impact that man has been having on them. All that in an agreeable, easy to read, and very informative manner, aiming at divulging in the best possible way what the oceans mean for our planet and for ourselves. Likewise, Erickson invites us to solve the problems generated by environmental pollution before it is too late, even if he admits that there are some huge social problems that are hindering the world governments to invest in the protection of the environment, thus jeopardizing our future and worst of all, that of the next generations.

EL MISTERIO DE LOS OCEANOS is in fact a very adequate book to make us aware of these problems, and its simple, clear style makes it available for the average reader interested in getting to know more about our planet, its history, evolution and present status. This book is indeed a good addition to our library on ecological issues which lead us to a better knowledge of our world.


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