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-Title: Ecología. Ciencia y Política Medioambiental.
Lynton Keith Caldwell.
McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España.
-Publication Date:
-Collection: Serie McGraw-Hill de Divulgación Científica.
-ISBN: 8448100956

Front Cover


Ecología, Ciencia y Política Medioambiental is a pioneer book in synthesizing everything related to the environmental solutions that have appeared in the last two decades. This edition includes the conclusions and commentaries on the Conference on the Environment and Development held at Rio de Janeiro.

It analyses how science and technology are changing our traditional beliefs about human opportunities and limitations, as well as how these slow changes are being reflected in the new international policies.

The conclusion it presents us with is: Only if current society succeeds in establishing and defending a good relationship with the Earth shall we be able to reach our highest level of civilization.

(Extracted from the back cover).




-Ciencia y medio ambiente.
-Ciencia y gobierno.
-Litosfera y biosfera.
-Perspectivas y prioridades.
-Política sobre defensa del medio ambiente.
-Implicaciones sociales y económicas.
-Enfrentarse a las realidades a escala planetaria.
-Crear instituciones mundiales.
-Alcanzar lo alcanzable.
-Advertencia final: Entre dos mundos.
-Referencias bibliográficas.



In this book, Lynton Keith Caldwell deals with a crucial question for the future of humanity: Will human beings change their way of life to prevent the destruction of the natural resources our lives depend on?

Caldwell gathers all the elements related to this matter, he exposes them, analyzes them and gets conclusions. The book deals then with the most important points on the ecological harm that our world is suffering and the possible solutions. It is written in a clear style and has a divulgative technical level, within reach of the average reader.

This is an ideal book to get aware of the situation of Earth, or, in the case of already aware readers, to have a general summary of each one of the elements in this question.


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