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-Title: Los Mitos de la Materia.
Paul Davis; John Gribbin.
McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España, S.A.
14 + 288
B/W photos and graphics.
-Publication Date:
-Collection: Serie McGraw-Hill de Divulgación Científica.
-ISBN: 84-481-1754-9

Front Cover


Los Mitos de la Materia shows us a complete panorama of the latest developments in Physics, which has revolutionized modern science. From the amazing world of quarks and the theory of relativity, to the current ideas about the birth of the cosmos, the authors find numerous evidences of the need for a change of paradigma. The new discoveries on Black Holes, Cosmic Strings and the Theory of Chaos change our concepts about space, time and matter, and show us a new vision, based on an interconnected universe. In the book we have a look at the fascinating science that awaits us in the twenty-first century.

(Extracted from the back cover).



-Prólogo a la Edición Española.
-1. La Muerte del Materialismo.
-2. El Caos y la Liberación de la Materia.
-3. El Presente Misterioso.
-Intermedio: Confesiones de un Relativista.
-4. El Universo Como un Todo.
-5. El Primer Segundo...
-6. ...Y el Último.
-7. Maravillas Cuánticas.
-8. La Red Cósmica.
-9. Más Allá del Infinito Futuro.
-10. El Universo Viviente.



Modern physics and cosmology have a certain reputation of being inscrutable sciences. The universe we inhabit and the laws governing it appear to be themes beyond the comprehension of mere mortals. However, Davis and Gribbin are determined to prove otherwise in this book. In it, they discover for us in an easily understandable way for the average citizen those issues that can be found in the avantgarde of current science and most particularly in Physics. To do this, they describe us the theories that are supposed to be currently accepted in our days (relativity, quantum...) besides those others that little by little are making place for themselves and that will surely change our vision of the cosmos (theory of chaos, cosmic strings...).

Davis is a professor of Mathematical Physics at the University of Adelaide, in Australia, and John Gribbin is a doctor in Astrophysics at the University of Cambridge. Both of them are, therefore, highly competent personalities to make all this information known to us. Davis is likewise the author of the book La Mente de Dios, highly successful one in 1993.


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