Fussion Discos

This album, with music by Jorge Riesco and texts by Ismael Florito, is no doubt an act of creativity of an incredible quality. With a first hearing the listener already perceives the effort and the intentionality there are behind this project. In successive hearings, the range of this CD appears in all its greatness. Recited or sung poetry is fused in an almost magical manner with musical poetry, thus creating a collection of situations of real life transmuted, by means of the alchemy of art, into wondrous surrealist landscapes of intense colors. The electronic music by Riesco is the perfect basis on which these situations can be painted. The vocals, female as well as male, either reciting or singing, are ideal brushes to reflect the emotional intensity of the texts by Florito. Riesco is the performer of the music, and is accompanied, singing or reciting, by: Manolo Botana, Mária Rial, Raúl Francés, Marta Quintana, Fernando Valeiras and Carmen Quintana.


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